Sunday, October 9, 2011

Daily Words of Wisdom from Dr. Beth is a HIT!!

In the last couple of weeks I have written in Daily Words of Wisdom from Dr. Beth on the following topics: Seven Deadly Sins Against Relationships; Why Women Love Bad Boys and Jerks; What Makes for Marital Satisfaction?; Could Your Marriage Survive an Affair?; and here is some of the feedback I have received from my subscribers.

Just loving these, and wanted you to know... Heather, October 9, 2011

Dr. Beth! I've been thoroughly enjoying your daily emails, glad I signed up.
Marissa, October 5, 2011

Hi Dr. Beth, Thank you! Such a good article again! Julie, October 6, 2011

Really good -- pulling it together for them! Yes, the one today was really good!!!
Karen, October 3, 2011

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$0.21 (21 Cents) a day is all it costs in the future to be informed and learn the tools that will help you have a more happy and successful life, career and relationships.